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Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies: F3
1664 issue (2°) 1664 STC / Wing: S2914 ESTC: R30560 DEEP: not in DEEP
Extant copies: 156
SC # Location Shelfmark      
7034 Auckland Public Library 1664 SHAK Auckland Heritage Collections
7035 Boston Public Library G.174.5
7036 British Library C.39.i.20
7037 British Library C.39.k.13
7003 British Library G.11633
7038 Buffalo and Erie County Public Library RBR ENG.3 S4 1664
7038.5 Bute Collection at Mount Stuart, Mount Stuart Trust, Isle of Bute [none]
7039 California State Library, Sutro PR2751 .A3 1664
7040 Cambridge University SSS.10.9
7040.5 Cambridge University, Queens' College RB.2
7041 Cambridge University, Trinity College Capell A.2
7042 Cambridge University, Trinity College Grylls 10.231
7005 Carnegie Mellon University PR2751 .A3 1663
7004 Carnegie Mellon University Posner PR2751 .A3 1663
7043 Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun.7.B.1.2
7044 Colgate University, Case Library PR2751 .A3 1663
7045 Cornell University Rare Books PR2751 .A3 ++
7046 Dartmouth College Hickmott 3
7047 Dartmouth College Val 824Sh J79
7048 Eton College Sa2.3.18
7049 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.01
7050 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.02
7051 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.03
7052 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.05
7053 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.06
7054 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.07
7055 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.08
7056 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.10
7057 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.12
7058 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.13
7059 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.14
7060 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.15
7061 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.16
7062 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.17
7063 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.18
7064 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.19
7065 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.20
7066 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.22
7067 Folger Shakespeare Library S2914 Fo.3 no.23
7068 Free Library of Philadelphia RBD EL Sh15w 1664
7069 Guildhall Library 5485671460
7011 Harvard University, Houghton Library f HEW 7.11.3
7070 Harvard University, Houghton Library f HEW 7.11.3
7071 Haverford College Philips 46
7072 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 108176
7073 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 108200
7074 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 108202
7075 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 108204
7076 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 108205
7077 Indiana University, Lilly Library PR2751 .A3
7078 John Carter Brown Library D664 .S527m
7079 John Rylands Library, University of Manchester Special Collections 5628
7080 John Wolfson collection [none]
7081 Johns Hopkins University Folio PO 2751 .A3 1664
7082 Lehigh University 822.33 I 1664
7083 Library of Birmingham S166.4F Case
7084 Longleat House (Marquess of Bath) [none]
7085 Loyola Marymount University, Charles Von der Ahe Library PR2751 .A3 1664
7086 Martin Bodmer Foundation, Geneva [none]
7087 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-01 MR 0318
7088 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-02 MR 0733
7089 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-03 MR 0604
7090 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-06 MR 0788
7091 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-07 MR 0838
7092 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-08 MR 0924
7093 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-09 MR 0925
7095 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-10 MR 1571
7096 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-11 MR 1921
7097 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-12 MR 1938
7098 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-13 MR 1942
7099 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-14 MR 1965
7100 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-15 MR 3386
7017 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-16 MR 3233
7101 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-17 MR 3572
7102 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-18 MR 3602
7103 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-19 MR 3604
7104 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-20 MR 3605
7104.5 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-22 MR 4354
7104.7 Meisei University, Kodama Memorial Library F3-23 MR 4356
7105 Miami University PR2751 .A3 1664
7106 Morgan Library & Museum PML 5128
7107 Morgan Library & Museum PML 5129
7019 New York Public Library *KC+ 1663
7108 New York Public Library *KC+ 1664
7109 New York Public Library *KC+ 1664 copy 1
7110 New York Public Library, Berg Collection Berg Coll. +Shakespeare 1663
7111 New York Public Library, Berg Collection Berg Coll. +Shakespeare 1664
7112 Newberry Library Case folio YS 03
7113 Oxford University, All Souls College LR.4.c.13
7114 Oxford University, Bodleian Library Arch. G c.09
7115 Oxford University, Bodleian Library Arch. G c.11
7116 Oxford University, Brasenose College UB/S III 35
7117 Oxford University, Queen's College Sel.b.205
7118 Oxford University, Wadham College A70000002441
7119 Oxford University, Worcester College  
7120 Penn State University PR2751.A3 1664 Q
7121 Princeton University 31.12
7122 Princeton University RHT Oversize 17th-788
7122.3 Private collection [none]
7122.5 Private collection [none]
7123 Private collection [none]
7124 Private collection [none]
7125 Private collection [none]
7126 Private collection [none]
7127 Private collection [none]
7128 Private collection [none]
7129 Private collection [none]
7130 Private collection [none]
7131 Private collection [none]
7132 Private collection [none]
7133 Private collection [none]
7134 Private collection [none]
7135 Private collection (Florida) [none]
7136 Rutgers University Oversized PR2751.A3 1664
7137 Senate House Library, University of London [D.-L.L.] (XVII) Bc [Shakespeare - 1664] fol. SR
7138 Senate House Library, University of London [S.L.] I [Shakespeare - 1664] fol. (S) copy 1
7139 Senate House Library, University of London [S.L.] I [Shakespeare - 1664] fol. (S) copy 2
7140 Shakespeare Birthplace Trust SR/OS/37 (1664) Accession #: 81000030
7141 Shakespeare Birthplace Trust SR/OS/37 (1664) Accession #: 83000054
7142 Sir John Soane's Museum 3976
7143 Smith College 825 SC 1664
7144 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin—Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library—Prussian Cultural Heritage) Libri impressi rari fol. 147B
7145 State Library of New South Wales RB SAFE/RB/YF822.33/3
7146 Syracuse University PR2751 .A3 1664 f
7147 Texas Christian University Lewis PR2751 .A3 1664
7148 Trinity College, Dublin
7149 University at Buffalo Vault PR2751 .A3 1664
7150 University of Akron Rare Vault PR2751 .A3 1664
7151 University of California, Los Angeles, Clark Library f PR2751 .A1 1664
7027 University of California, Los Angeles, Clark Library f PR2751 .A3 1663
7152 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign IUQ00007
7153 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign IUQ02208
7154 University of Leeds, Brotherton Library BC Safe/SHA
7155 University of Michigan PR 2751 .A3 1664
7156 University of North Carolina PR2751 .A3
7157 University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center PR2751 .A3 copy 1
7158 University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center PR2751 .A3 copy 2
7159 University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Center -q- PFORZ 909 PFZ C132
7160 University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Center -q- PR 2751 A3 1664
7161 University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Center Wg Sh15 +C663cb WRE
7162 University of Toronto fisher .S52 A1 1664 f
7163 Universitäts-und Stadtbibliothek Köln (University and City Library of Cologne) 1P497
7164 Vassar College Grille Folio PR2751 .A3 1664
7165 Victoria and Albert Museum National Art Library Jones 1394
7166 Wellesley College f x
7167 Wesleyan University Dav. E6
7168 West Chester University Chester County Collection 822.33 A3
7169 West Chester University Chester County Collection 822.33 A4
7170 West Virginia University 822.33 1.5C426
7171 Williams College, Chapin Library Chapin Library Wing S2914 ffolio
7172 Windsor Castle, Royal Collection Trust RCIN 1047468
7173 Wormsley Library BM496
7174 Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart (State Library of Württemberg) HBFa 450
7175 Yale University, Beinecke Library 1978 +56
7176 Yale University, Beinecke Library Ig 13 +664
7033 Yale University, Elizabethan Club Eliz +31