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The Merry Wives of Windsor
2nd Edition (4°) 1619 STC / Wing: 22300 ESTC: S111206 DEEP: 329
Extant copies: 38, plus 1 fragment
SC # Location Shelfmark      
714 Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France) RES-YK-59
715 Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France) RES-YK-61
716 Boston Public Library G.176.20
717 British Library C.12.g.24
718 British Library C.34.k.27
719 Cambridge University, Trinity College Capell Q.11[2]
733 Charlecote House CHA
720 Dartmouth College Hickmott 37
721 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 1
722 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 2
723 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 3
724 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 4 Bd.w. STC 26101 Copy 3
725 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 5
726 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 6
727 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 7
728 Folger Shakespeare Library STC 22300 Copy 8
729 Harvard University, Houghton Library STC 22300
730 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 69332
731 Martin Bodmer Foundation, Geneva [none]
740 Morgan Library & Museum PML 5101
732 National Library of Scotland Bute.498
734 New York Public Library *KC 1619 (Shakespeare, W. Most pleasant and excellent conceited Comedy), copy B
735 New York Public Library *KC 1619 (Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare's plays; Pavier's collected edition, 1619)
736 Newberry Library VAULT Case 4A 956
737 Ohio State University PR2826 .A1 1619
738 Oxford University, Balliol College  
739 Oxford University, Bodleian Library Arch. G d.42 (4)
741 Princeton University RHT 17th-515
742 Shakespeare Birthplace Trust SR 35.22 (1200)
743 Shakespeare Birthplace Trust SR 35.22 (SMT5)
744 Texas Christian University PR2750 .A15 1619 (8)
745 University of Akron Rare Vault PR2826 .A1 1619
746 University of California, Los Angeles, Clark Library PR2826 .A1 1619 *
747 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 822.33 P51619
748 University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Center Pforz 889
749 Victoria and Albert Museum National Art Library Dyce 26 Box 42/1
750 Windsor Castle, Royal Collection Trust RCIN 1059072
751 Yale University, Beinecke Library 1977 2353
752 Yale University, Elizabethan Club Eliz 182